
FORWARD VISIONS offers services to clients and their families through two separate programs which are designed to assist individuals to live in the community or family setting of their choice in the least restrictive manner possible while meeting the needs of each individual. These services are tailored to meet the specific needs and desires of each person, relying on the individual and his/her family to guide the delivery of services.

Forward Visions will provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities, and their families in Baltimore County and City, who are eligible for services through the Developmental Disability Administration.

Depending on the level of care (the services needed), clients are eligible for participation in either the FISS (Family and Individual Support Services) Program or C.S.L.A. (Community Supported Living Arrangements). Each individual receiving support services through the C.S.L.A. Program will assist in the development of his or her Individual Support Plan (ISP). This will be done in cooperation with family members, or representatives of the individual and the Coordinator of Supports from FORWARD VISIONS, INC.

The primary objective of FORWARD VISIONS is to support the effortsof clients and their families to achieve and enhance independent living and a lifestyle of the clients’ choice, to assist them to develop this life in their own home or their family’s home, and to reach the client’s optimum potential in personal and financial independence, environmental, residential and vocational choices.